Eye On The Clock will display continuously updating time counters for important times and dates you configure. It will show the length of time until or since each event in a variety of user selectable formats. There can be events which reoccur at selectable intervals. Events might include:
• Keeping track of exactly how many days until a project is due
• Number of weeks until special holidays or events like birthdays and anniversaries
• Number of seconds until the weekend
• How many months old your baby is
• Number of days until vacation
System 7 users may want to make an alias of Eye On The Clock and place it in their Startup Items folder in the System Folder, then Eye On The Clock will automatically be available each time you start your Mac.
Eye On The Clock is Shareware. If you continue to use Eye On The Clock after the 15 day trial period, please send $5.00 and the included registration form to:
Geoff Hufford
896 W. Safari Drive
Tucson, AZ 85704-2857
Or register on-line with CompuServe: GO SWREG - registration number 2606.
Updating from a previous version:
If you already own a previous version of Eye On The Clock, you can replace your Eye On The Clock application with this new one, but continue to use your existing "EyeClock Data" file.
Refer to the end of this file for a list of new features since version 1.0.
Adding events:
To add an event, select "Add Event..." from the File menu or from the "One Event Window" pop-up menu, by typing command-A or by clicking on the "Add" button in the toolbar. This will bring up the "Add/Modify Event" dialog box.
There you enter the event title (like "New Years Day" or "Billy's Birthday"), the event date and event time. (See "Limitations" below for the range of valid dates). The event time and date should be entered in the formats selected using the "Date & Time" control panel. If you leave the event time box empty, Eye On The Clock will use 12:00 midnight. New events default to the current time and date.
Display Options:
Below the date and time boxes are a series of checkbox display options. There you can select which divisions of time you would like to see for the selected event.
For example, if the event is many years away, you may only wish to see how many years and months until the event. So check "Years" and "Months" and un-check "Weeks", "Days", "Hours", "Minutes" and "Seconds". Below the checkboxes is an example of how the display will look. As you change checkbox options, the example will change to reflect your selections.
Months are a special display type because of their varying lengths.
For example- if the current date 1/31/94 and the event date is set to 3/2/94, a result of "1-month 2-days" will be displayed. The computer tries to move forward 1 month but realizes that no 2/31/94 exists so it counts 1 month from 1/31 to be the last day of February (2/28/94) and then counts the days from there to the event. Notice that this can create some interesting results. A current date of 1/28 through 1/31 and the same event date of 3/2 will all yield the same result of 1-month 2-days. When the current date changes to 2/1, the display will change to 1-month 1-day.
Fractional checkbox:
The fractional checkbox will display the smallest checked time unit as a decimal number. Rather than an event being 1 month away, it will be displayed as 1.432 months away.
Only Display Largest Time Unit:
This checkbox lets you select many divisions of time, but will only display the largest applicable division. For example, if an event is 1 month away, and you have selected only weeks, days and minutes, then Eye On The Clock will just display the number of weeks until the event is less than a week away. Then the display will change to the next selected display type, days, until the event is less than a day away. Then the display will countdown the minutes until the event.
This is useful if you don't need a precise display, until the event is imminent.
Count Days since event:
For events in the past, this option counts the days. The day of the event is considered "Day #1" rather than '0 days since'. This will supersede all of the other display options (no hours, minutes, seconds etc.).
This setting will have no effect on events that are still in the future.
Recurring Events:
Selecting a recurring radio button will cause an event to recur at a fixed interval. Recurring options are: None, Yearly, Monthly, Weekly and Daily. After an event arrives, it continues to count time since the event. After a period of time (see below for specifics), the event will change to the next occurrence in the future (if weekly is selected for an event date of 1/1/94, the event date will change to 1/8/94).
Monthly recurring events which occur at the end of the month (like 1/31) will recur on the last day of all subsequent months (2/28, 3/31, 4/30...).
The following is a list of recurring intervals and the corresponding periods of time after which each event will reset to its next occurance:
Yearly - 30 days
Monthly - 7 days
Weekly - 2 days
Daily - 6 hours
In other words, a daily event will count up to "5-hours ago" before resetting to "18-hours until".
Eye On The Clock has two different windows to view your events, the "All Events Window" and "One Event Window". In addition, the "One Event Window" can become very small by choosing "Mini Window". All of these window options are available under the Window menu.
Eye On The Clock intelligently formats the event times to best fit the window and display options you choose.
All Events Window:
The "All Events Window" will display all of your events in a sizable, scrollable window. From this window, you can double-click on an event to modify or delete it. You can also select an event by clicking on it, then selecting "Modify Event..." or command-M from the File menu.
The "All Events Window" has a toolbar with buttons for Adding and Deleting events, a current time display, a toggle button to show/hide the "One Event Window", and arrow buttons if the "Automatic Event Sorting" option is not checked in the preferences box.
•If you command-click on any of the events, the window will display the actual date and time of each of the events for 5 seconds, then the display will return to normal.
One Event Window:
The other window is the "One Event Window". This is a much smaller window which will display one event at a time. You can select which event it will display by clicking on the event title which will bring up a pop-up menu listing your event choices.
•A shortcut to selecting events in the 'One Event Window' is to press the arrow keys on your keyboard. This will scroll through your events.
The pop-up menu also has Modify and Add events options. You can move the "One Event Window" by clicking and dragging anywhere other than on the pop-up menu.
Mini Window:
The "One Event Window" can also become a "Mini Window". This option is selectable as the last option in the pop-up menu or by selecting "Mini Window" or command-1 from the Windows menu. When set to 'Mini Window' the window gets very small and displays one event's time and doesn't display the event title. This sized window should be small enough to have running on your desktop without getting in the way. Clicking on the small arrow icon will still give you access to the pop-up menu. You can scroll through events by using the arrow keys.
•You can temporarily see the event title by command-clicking on the time in the Mini Window.
Delete an event:
To delete an event, first select the event by either double-clicking the event in the All Events Window, or selecting the event using the pop-up menu in the one event window and choosing Modify Event... from the file menu. This will open the Add/Modify dialog box with the selected event. Click the Delete button. After verifying your choice, the event will be deleted.
An event can also be deleted by selecting it in the All Events Window and clicking on the "Delete" button in the toolbar.
Select "Preferences" from the File menu.
Hide Zeros:
This option controls whether or not Eye On The Clock will display time divisions which are zero. When Hide Zeros in on, even if you have years selected as a display option, you will not see any year value if the event is less than a year away.
Allow HH:MM:SS display:
Selecting this option allows Eye On The Clock to display hours, minutes and seconds in a clock format (3-days 4:34:54). Not selecting this option displays each time division separately (3-days 4-hours 34-minutes 54-seconds).
Change Days at Midnight:
This option controls how days are counted if Hours, Minutes and Seconds are not selected as display options. Selecting this option causes the day count to change at midnight. This is probably the way you would count days if you looked at a calendar. Not selecting this option causes the day count to change at the event time.
For example, with "Change Days at Midnight" selected, an event whose time is 1:00 am would display '1-day until' until midnight of the day before the event. When "Change Days at Midnight" is not selected, the same event would display '0-days until' starting at 1:00 am of the previous day.
Automatic Event Sorting:
When selected, Eye On The Clock will always sort events by the event date and time. Event dates in the past will be first, followed by current events and future events. Anything which could change an event time (like adding, modifying or a recurring event), will cause the events to be automatically re-sorted.
When "Automatic Event Sorting" is not selected, the event order is determined by the user. Changing the order is done by selecting an event in the "All Events Window" and clicking the up and down arrow buttons which are displayed in the toolbar. This will move the selected event.
Current Time in One Event Window:
This option will add a current date and time display to the second line of the "One Event Window"
Separator Character:
This selects which character, if any, you want to display between the numbers and time divisions.
File name and location:
Eye On The Clock creates a data file named "EyeClock data". This file must be in the same folder as the Eye On The Clock application to be loaded. If no data file exists, Eye On The Clock creates a new, empty data file.
Saved settings:
Eye On The Clock automatically saves all of your events, preferences, window settings and window locations. Each time you start Eye On The Clock, your screen will be exactly as it was when you last quit.
Memory and System Requirements:
Eye On The Clock uses 125K of RAM and requires at least System 6.0.5. If memory is tight, Eye On The Clock will run with 75K of RAM.
Eye On The Clock uses the Mac clock to store and compute times and dates. Because of the way that the Mac deals with time, Eye On The Clock can only support dates from 1/1/1904 through 2/6/2040. Event dates not within this range will produce incorrect calculations.
Eye On The Clock can display and store up to 30 events.
If you would like to report a bug, please include information about which Mac you are using, system version and if the bug is event related, please include the current date and time, and the event's date and time.
Eye On The Clock was written using Think C 7.0 by Chris and Geoff Hufford. Please send comments or ideas to:
Chris Hufford - CIS 70076,1707
Geoff Hufford - CIS 72627,3511
Legal Stuff:
The programmers are not responsible for anything bad that happens to you or your computer because of using Eye On The Clock. Eye On The Clock is copyrighted and the programmers retain ownership. Eye On The Clock can be distributed as long as no money is charged for it, and it includes the following unmodified files:
• Eye On The Clock
• EyeClock Data
• About Eye On The Clock
• Shareware Registration Form
Changes since Version 1.0:
Added recurring events options
Allowed manual sorting of events
Added toolbar with clock display, buttons and manual sort arrows
Added preferences dialog to control how events are displayed
Added option to display current time in One Event Window
Improved month calculations
Changed data file structure (made is smaller) but still reads old files. Once you have opened a data file with version 1.2, you cannot re-open it with version 1.0
Increased maximum number of events to 30
Added 'Count Days' display type
Fixed a bug if you reset your clock while EOTC is running